Mini Bouquet of Roses, Tiny Florals #06, Hand painted original art on paper with frame, 4 inches x 5 inches framed


Give the gift of a bouquet that won’t wilt and adds joy and sunshine to any small space it’s in.

Love this and want it in a different size or something similar customized for you? I’m available for commissions.



A tiny painting of roses won’t fade or wilt. This original painting is framed. It makes a great gift to add color and joy to a small space such as a nook in a bathroom, table or kitchen or on a desk.

Each painting is unique and hand painted by the artist on watercolor paper using professional artist acrylic paints. Approximately  2.5″ x 3″ in size, each piece comes framed in either a black or gold frame as shown.  Available as a collection while the remaining paintings are available. Afterwards they will be available as a collection of limited edition prints and a greeting card line.

Love this and want it in a different size or something similar customized for you? I’m available for commissions.

Medium: Acrylic on watercolor paper

Size: 2.5 x 3.5″ unframed,  4″ x 5 ” framed

Local pickup available via Local Color Studio in Canton, Georgia by arrangement with the artist.