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100 days Woman from Apache Cafe

Woman posting at Apache Cafe in Atlanta, GA

There is a venue in Atlanta called Apache Cafe where on Monday nights there are live models to draw or photograph. This sketch I made using Adobe Sketch and my fingers on an iPad Pro was based off a photo I took there. Adobe Sketch has some interesting effects when you used the watercolor flat brush. It continues to “bleed” into the other parts of the sketch after you lay a stroke down. The more times you go over an area, the more the colors blend and spread.  

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100 days fire sketch

100 days of digital sketch day 2

It’s day two of my 100 days of digital sketch project. Today I sketched a fire using default tools in Adobe Draw. If you want a detailed breakdown of what I did, I have a description below the image.   I used square shape for large areas of background since currently there is no all over background color tool. I picked the basic flat brush and made it as large as I could, 60px, and chose the dark orange color. I made broad shallow curves to define the two logs on a new layer. I chose a lighter orange and laid down a few curvy triangular marks for key flames. I then picked the taper brush to define points and add more character. I alternated colors and opacity while building out the flames. I mixed in flatter blobs of hot ashy…

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100 days seltzer bottle sketch

100 days sketch #1

Created using the Adobe Draw app on my iPad for the 100 days project. I used mostly brushes 2 and 4 that come default with the app. You can follow my progress on Instagram.     I wish the brush size controls were a bit easier to use. They do not all have the same size ranges. I would also like for larger sizes.  I’m also still adjusting to the line weights of the different brushes. Sometimes they appear larger or smaller than I expect when I start using them. I used an Intuos Bamboo stylus since I was traveling and did not pack a full size stylus.

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